
This is your time!

Escape into a world of tranquility and rejuvenation for a few precious minutes. Put on your headphones and let yourself be fully immersed in this transformative experience.
Start by connecting with your present emotions and take a moment to choose one of our specially composed tracks below, each crafted to align with your desired outcome.
Before embarking on this journey, take a moment to center yourself by focusing on your breath. With each inhalation, welcome in revitalizing energy, and with each exhalation, release any stagnant thoughts or tension. When you feel prepared, press play.
During the next few minutes, let the music and the captivating narrative of each track become your sole focus. Any passing thoughts hold no importance. Simply acknowledge them and let them drift away. They can have your attention later, once you've completed this experience.
As the music softly fades away, redirect your awareness back to your breathing, savoring each conscious breath. When you feel ready, gently open your eyes, feeling refreshed and revitalised.
You now have 26 Tracks to choose from.

Clear Mind

(10 mins 8 seconds)

Now, let's embark on a short guided meditation to bring tranquility and clarity to your mind. Find a comfortable position and begin by focusing on your breath. Direct your attention to the sensation of each inhale and exhale. Notice where the breath originates from within your body and observe it as it leaves you.

As you continue to focus on your breath, allow yourself to drift. You may find yourself lying on a sandy beach or gazing up at the stars. Let the harmonious blend of music and your breath merge together, creating a sense of calmness as your mind gently clears.

If your mind wanders, whether a thought or an image arises, gently redirect your focus back to your breath. Allow the music and your breath to sweep away any lingering thoughts or obstacles that have been holding you back.

Let your mind guide you on a peaceful journey. Follow the melodic sound of the flute, as it holds the key to unlocking your true potential. Like the rhythmic rise and fall of your breath, the flute's melody resonates within you. Notice as your mind begins to clear, even if only momentarily, and appreciate the space it leaves behind.

This space is the essence of your true self, the person you aspire to be. As the music gradually fades away, softly repeat the following mantra: "I am me. I am worth it. I am unique." Embrace these affirmations, reaffirming your self-worth and acknowledging your individuality.

Take a moment to bask in the stillness and peace you have cultivated. When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment, carrying with you the tranquility and self-assurance you have discovered within.

Composed and performed by Theo Travis

‘Flow’ (1 hr track)

(60 mins)

The perfect track for meditation, visualisation, yoga or simply as background music. You choose!

Composed and performed by Theo Travis

‘Kuna Lullaby’ - From AyaTunes

(10 mins 22 secs)

From the beautiful AyaTunes series (click here) for more information

Andrea "Fluterscooter" Fisher is best known for her popular line of flute and instrument bags, however she has also released 3 albums of meditation and medicine music (Ayatunes), which are played in healing sessions and ceremonies throughout the world. "Kuna Lullaby" from Volume 2 was created after taking an excursion during the Panamá Flute Festival. She has always been intrigued and inspired by indigenous people, and had heard about the Guna Yala people of Panamá, so she took a taxi three hours from Panamá City and then a ferry boat to visit San Blas Islands and then a paddle boat to their remote island. While walking through the Guna Yala village, Andrea heard the most beautiful and pure sound of a child singing a kind of lullaby. Walking down the dirt roads, following the voice and recorded it on her iPhone. It still remains the purest voice Andrea has ever heard, and she structured the song around it, adding flutes and India-based singer Mahalakshmi. “I've been told the song has healed many people in ceremony because the voice takes them back to their childhood and a time of innocence”. Check out for more information and beautiful music from AyaTunes.

Clear Mind (extended version)

(20 mins 10 secs)

Take a moment to focus on your breath. Simply observe as you inhale and exhale, staying present in each breath. Notice the origin of your breath and how it gracefully exits your body.

As you allow yourself to drift, imagine lying on a sandy beach or gazing up at the starlit sky. Let the soothing music blend with your breath, creating a harmonious union that brings clarity to your mind.

Should your thoughts wander, gently guide your attention back to your breath. Let the music and your breath work together, sweeping away any hindrances that have been weighing you down.

Now, invite your mind to embark on a peaceful journey. Follow the enchanting sound of the flute, for it holds the key to unlocking your true potential. Like the rhythmic ebb and flow of your breath, the flute's melody rises and falls, sustaining you. In those moments when your mind clears, even if only briefly, notice the spaciousness it leaves behind.

This space is the essence of your authentic self—the true you, the embodiment of your dreams.

As the music gently fades away, softly repeat the following mantra: "I am me. I am worth it. I am unique." Allow these affirmations to resonate within you, acknowledging your inherent value and embracing your individuality.

Take a moment to rest in this serene state of being. When you are ready, gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment, carrying the tranquility and self-assurance you have discovered with you.

Composed and performed by Theo Travis

Rhythm of the breath

(10 mins 6 seconds)

Direct your attention to your breath, focusing solely on its rhythm. Notice the sensation of each inhalation and exhalation, observing where the breath originates from within your body and where it gently departs.

Take a few moments to be fully present with your breath. Then, allow your awareness to expand to the present moment as a whole.

If your mind starts to wander, gently redirect your focus back to your breath. If thoughts arise, label them as "thoughts." If images or pictures come to mind, label them as "pictures." Similarly, if any feelings surface, label them as "feelings." This labelling practice helps you detach from engagement with your thoughts and provides a sense of distance.

Let the music and your breath serve as gentle anchors, guiding your focus. Follow the melodic sound of the flute, merging it with your breath. As you label any arising thoughts, images, or feelings, gradually discover fleeting moments of peace—brief instances when you feel a profound connection with your inner self.

In these moments, recognise that the space created within you is the true essence of who you are—the person of your dreams. As the music softly fades away, softly recite the following mantra: "I am not my thoughts, my thoughts are impermanent."

Allow this mantra to resonate within you, affirming that you are separate from the transient nature of your thoughts. Embrace the impermanence of your thoughts, acknowledging that they do not define your true self.

As you conclude this meditation, carry the sense of inner peace and detachment with you as you navigate the world around you.

Composed and performed by Theo Travis.

Floating on Air

(15 mins 34 seconds)

Whether your eyes are open or closed, bring your attention to the natural rhythm of your breath. Feel the gentle flow as you exhale, noticing the precise point where the breath gracefully exits your body. Allow yourself to stay fully present, fully engaged with each breath.

Now, I invite you to shift your focus to an area of your music where you may be facing challenges. Let this specific aspect come to the forefront of your mind. Embrace it, exploring it with curiosity and openness.

As you continue, envision yourself floating upward, rising above your current perspective. From this elevated position, observe yourself as if you were a compassionate observer, offering a detached and objective viewpoint. You are granting yourself the gift of perspective and insight.

As you watch, someone you deeply admire comes into view beneath you. Sense their presence, their support, and their unwavering belief in your abilities. Notice them walking towards you, their energy radiating warmth and encouragement.

Allow yourself to descend gently, merging back with your body, and remain connected to your breath throughout this process. Stay present and receptive as this person engages in a conversation with you. Share the specific challenges you are facing, expressing your thoughts and emotions openly. Listen attentively as they respond, offering guidance and reassurance.

As this person gradually moves away, a gentle warmth begins to blossom within your chest. Embrace this warmth, allowing it to expand throughout your entire being. Feel it spreading upward and downward, permeating every cell of your body. With each breath, release any lingering negativity or tension, making room for tranquility and calm.

Now, let the soothing music and the rhythm of your breath serve as your guides. Follow the melodic sound of the flute, synchronizing your breath with its enchanting notes. Allow the music and your breath to harmonize, creating a seamless flow of relaxation and presence.

As the music softly fades away, let these words become your mantra: "I am not my thoughts, my thoughts are impermanent... I can... I will." Repeat this mantra softly and confidently, internalizing its empowering message. Embrace the understanding that you are separate from your passing thoughts and that you hold the strength and resilience to overcome any challenges.

Take a moment to rest in this state of inner empowerment and calm. When you feel ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment, carrying the newfound confidence and resilience with you. Embrace the transformative power of this meditation, knowing that you can always return to this practice to find inner peace and strength

Composed and performed by Theo Travis.

Floating on Air (extended)

(31 mins 08 seconds)

Begin by finding a comfortable position, allowing your body to settle into a state of relaxation. Whether your eyes are open or closed, bring your attention to the sensation of your breath. Notice the gentle rise and fall of your chest or the coolness of the air as it enters and exits your nostrils.

As you continue to focus on your breath, let go of any distractions or wandering thoughts. Allow your mind to become fully absorbed in the present moment, anchored by the rhythm of your breathing.

Now, imagine a serene landscape that brings you a sense of tranquility. It could be a peaceful beach, a lush forest, or a radiant meadow. Visualise yourself in this serene setting, allowing your mind to create vivid images of the surroundings.

As you immerse yourself in this calming environment, notice how your body begins to relax even further. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, the gentle breeze caressing your face, and the softness of the ground beneath you. Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment, soaking in the peacefulness that surrounds you.

Take a few moments to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings, letting go of any worries or stress that may be weighing on your mind. Allow the music accompanying this meditation to enhance the experience, its soothing melodies resonating with the tranquility of the scene.

As you remain in this tranquil space, let your mind release any negative thoughts or emotions that may be holding you back. Imagine these thoughts and emotions as leaves floating downstream, gradually drifting away from your awareness. Allow them to dissipate, creating space for calm and clarity to emerge.

Now, take a deep breath in, filling your lungs with revitalising energy. As you exhale, release any tension or unease, allowing it to melt away with each breath. Feel a profound sense of relaxation washing over you, as if every cell in your body is rejuvenated and refreshed.

In this state of deep relaxation and clarity, affirm positive thoughts and intentions. Repeat silently or aloud the following affirmations: "I am calm and centered. I am capable of overcoming challenges. I am deserving of peace and happiness."

Continue to breathe deeply and rhythmically, fully embracing the peacefulness of the moment. Feel the gentle rise and fall of your breath, harmonising with the soothing music and the serenity of the imagined landscape.

When you feel ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a moment to express gratitude for this time you have dedicated to yourself and for the sense of peace and clarity you have cultivated.

As you go about your day, carry the calmness and positive energy of this meditation with you. Remember that you can always return to this serene space within your mind whenever you need a moment of tranquility and renewal.

Composed and performed by Theo Travis.


(17 minutes 9 seconds)

Find a comfortable position, whether sitting or lying down, and gently close your eyes. Take a few moments to settle into this space, allowing your body and mind to relax.

Now, shift your attention to your breath. Feel the natural rhythm of your inhalations and exhalations. Notice the sensation of the breath entering and leaving your body. Be fully present with each breath, grounding yourself in the present moment.

As you continue to focus on your breath, allow any thoughts or distractions to simply pass by like clouds in the sky. Acknowledge their presence, but do not attach to them. Instead, let them drift away as you return your focus to the gentle flow of your breath.

Now, let's deepen your relaxation even further. With each breath, visualise a wave of soothing warmth flowing through your body. Imagine this wave washing away any tension, stress, or discomfort, leaving you feeling completely at ease.

As you bask in this deep state of relaxation, let your mind transport you to a tranquil and serene place of your choice. It could be a peaceful beach, a serene forest, or a cozy spot by a flowing river. Explore this place in your imagination, allowing the details to unfold before you. Engage your senses and fully immerse yourself in the tranquility of this scene.

Take a few moments to enjoy the stillness and calmness of this special place. Allow yourself to absorb the soothing energy it offers. Let go of any worries, concerns, or busyness that may be weighing on your mind. Release them into the peaceful atmosphere, trusting that they will be taken care of.

As you continue to embrace the serenity of this space, let the soft and soothing music enhance your experience. Allow its melodic tones to harmonise with the tranquility of your surroundings, deepening your sense of relaxation and inner peace.

As the music gradually fades away, take a moment to slowly open your eyes. Allow your gaze to soften as you bring your awareness back to the present moment. Notice the subtle shifts in your body and mind, feeling a renewed sense of calm and clarity.

Take a deep breath, savouring the profound relaxation you have cultivated. Carry this peaceful state with you as you navigate through the rest of your day. Remember that you can always return to this inner sanctuary whenever you need a moment of respite and rejuvenation.

With a grateful heart, express appreciation for the time you have dedicated to your well-being. Embrace the power of this meditation practice to nurture and restore your mind, body, and spirit.

Composer and performer José Valentino

These tracks are aimed at all musicians of any age who are experiencing moments of self doubt, nerves, anxiety or burn out. This completely free new project based in the website, and encourages each and every one of you to take just 10 minutes out from the hustle and bustle of modern day life. Choosing one of these tracks based on how you are feeling or what area you wish to focus on at this particular moment, close your eyes notice your breathing, allowing yourself to gently relax at the sounds enter your space... then when you are ready...just let the music take you where it takes you...any negative thought that enters your conscious mind, let it simply come and go. just spend the duration of the audio focusing on 'You' - This is 'Your Time'..."You Can and You Will" . At the end of the audio, come back to your breathing and hold on to all your positive feelings, then gently open your eyes. You can listen and meditate to any of these tracks whenever you wish. Just allow judgement and negativity come and go...this is your time!

I can, I will

(5 minutes 35 seconds)

When you find yourself feeling down or doubting your abilities, it's crucial to remember that you are capable of overcoming any challenge. Embrace the uniqueness within you, recognising that your music and performances are special and one-of-a-kind. No two performances will ever be the same, and that is a wonderful gift.

If you're currently facing difficulties or if your practice or upcoming performance is weighing heavily on your mind, let's embark on a journey with the track titled 'I Can, I Will'.

Begin by closing your eyes and bringing your focus to the words 'I can, I will'. As the music envelops you, allow these words to grow larger, clearer, and brighter in your mind. Let their positive energy permeate your being.

If any negative thoughts arise during this process, acknowledge them but don't engage with them. Instead, let them pass by like clouds in the sky. This moment is about reminding yourself of your inherent capability and determination. You have the power to achieve your goals, and you will.

As the music continues to play, feel the uplifting energy filling your entire being. Embrace the confidence, resilience, and unwavering belief in yourself. Let go of any self-doubt or limitations that may have held you back.

Allow these precious moments to be a reminder of your inner strength and potential. Visualise yourself stepping into your fullest potential, transcending any obstacles in your path. Feel the joy and excitement that come with realizing your own capabilities.

As the track progresses, bask in the empowering atmosphere it creates. Let the music and the affirming words 'I can, I will' echo within you, amplifying your self-belief and determination.

Take this time to reaffirm your commitment to your craft, to your growth, and to your dreams. Trust in your abilities and embrace the journey ahead, knowing that you have the power to overcome any challenges that may come your way.

When you feel ready, gently open your eyes, carrying the newfound confidence and conviction with you. Remember, you are capable, you are resilient, and you are destined for greatness.

Embrace the power of this meditation as a tool to uplift and inspire you whenever you need a boost of motivation and self-assurance. You possess incredible potential, and with your unwavering determination, there is no limit to what you can achieve.

Composer and performer José Valentino

These tracks are aimed at all musicians of any age who are experiencing moments of self doubt, nerves, anxiety or burn out. This completely free new project based in the website, and encourages each and every one of you to take just 10 minutes out from the hustle and bustle of modern day life. Choosing one of these tracks based on how you are feeling or what area you wish to focus on at this particular moment, close your eyes notice your breathing, allowing yourself to gently relax at the sounds enter your space... then when you are ready...just let the music take you where it takes you...any negative thought that enters your conscious mind, let it simply come and go. just spend the duration of the audio focusing on 'You' - This is 'Your Time'..."You Can and You Will" . At the end of the audio, come back to your breathing and hold on to all your positive feelings, then gently open your eyes. You can listen and meditate to any of these tracks whenever you wish. Just allow judgement and negativity come and go...this is your time!

Moving Forward with Happiness

(8 minutes 16 secs)

If you're feeling stuck with a decision or something is bothering you, affecting your focus and your flute playing, it's time to dedicate the next 8 minutes to reset your emotional state. Let's embark on a journey of inner transformation.

As the alto begins playing, shift your attention to your breath. Take a few moments to breathe in slowly through your nose, counting to 5, and exhale through your mouth, also counting to 5. With each inhalation, allow your mind to gently relax, creating space for the key to resetting your inner self to emerge.

As you surrender to the soothing flow of the beautiful flute solo, tap into a memory of a time when you experienced profound happiness. It could be a small and seemingly insignificant moment or a major event in your life. The important thing is that it brought you immense joy and contentment. Recall that event and vividly immerse yourself in its essence, engaging all your senses. See the colours, feel the sensations, hear the sounds, taste the flavours, and smell the scents associated with that memory. Amplify these sensations tenfold, making them incredibly vivid and real.

Transform this amplified experience into a warm feeling that emanates from within you. Allow this warmth to gradually permeate your entire body, spreading a sense of happiness and freedom. Embrace the realisation that you have the power to control how you feel, and that nobody else holds that power over you. If the gentle movement of the music triggers any emotions, observe them without judgment. Then gently push them away with the radiant warmth that envelops your being.

As you guide the warmth throughout your body, imagine it reaching the top of your head, fingertips, and toes. Feel its energy flowing through every cell, dissolving any negativity or tension you may have been holding onto.

Now, as the music begins to fade, imagine unlocking an imaginary valve within yourself. Allow the warmth, along with any remaining negativity, to flow out of your body, completely releasing and purging any lingering discomfort.

Take a moment to savour this profound sense of release and renewal. Recognise the power you possess to reset your emotional state and regain control over your inner world.

As you slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment, carry with you the empowering knowledge that you can reset your emotions and find peace whenever you need it. Embrace the freedom that comes from letting go of negativity and cultivating a positive mindset.

Remember, you have the ability to create your own emotional landscape, one that is filled with happiness, freedom, and joy. Trust in your innate strength and resilience as you continue your journey of flute playing and personal growth.

composer and performer Melissa Keeling


(5 minutes 16 seconds)

Embrace your hidden strength as you embark on this transformative meditation. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the track, surrendering to its rhythm and melody. As you listen, focus your attention and let go of any wandering thoughts. Simply be present in the unfolding journey of the music.

As the music progresses, notice a gentle warmth starting to stir at the base of your belly. Feel it slowly spreading, moving upward toward your head and downward toward your toes. This comforting warmth symbolises the immense strength that resides within you.

Hold on to this sensation, allowing it to expand and radiate throughout your entire being. Embrace the realisation that you are far stronger than you may believe. Feel the power and resilience within you grow with each passing moment of the music.

As the track gradually fades away, remain anchored in the strength that has awakened within you. Know that this strength is not dependent on external circumstances or fleeting moments, but rather an intrinsic part of who you are.

Take a deep breath and acknowledge the unwavering strength that resides within you. Carry this empowering sensation with you as you move forward in your life's journey. Trust in your own abilities and face any challenges with confidence and resilience.

Remember, you have the strength to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Trust in yourself and hold on to this inner power as you navigate through life's ups and downs.

Composer and performer José Valentino

These tracks are aimed at all musicians of any age who are experiencing moments of self doubt, nerves, anxiety or burn out. This completely free new project based in the website, and encourages each and every one of you to take just 10 minutes out from the hustle and bustle of modern day life. Choosing one of these tracks based on how you are feeling or what area you wish to focus on at this particular moment, close your eyes notice your breathing, allowing yourself to gently relax at the sounds enter your space... then when you are ready...just let the music take you where it takes you...any negative thought that enters your conscious mind, let it simply come and go. just spend the duration of the audio focusing on 'You' - This is 'Your Time'..."You Can and You Will" . At the end of the audio, come back to your breathing and hold on to all your positive feelings, then gently open your eyes. You can listen and meditate to any of these tracks whenever you wish. Just allow judgement and negativity come and go...this is your time!

I believe in me

(5 minutes 10 seconds)

Find a comfortable position and allow your body to relax, giving yourself permission to fully let go. Begin by directing your attention to your breath, observing each inhalation and exhalation with gentle curiosity. As thoughts arise, simply acknowledge them and let them pass without judgment or attachment.

Now, in the canvas of your mind's eye, bring forth the affirmation, "I am worthy." Visualise these words appearing before you, glowing with a radiant energy. Feel the resonance of this affirmation as it permeates every cell of your being, igniting a profound sense of self-belief and strength within you.

Take a moment to reflect on your journey and the experiences that have shaped you. Recognise that you are deserving of love, respect, and happiness. Embrace the truth that your worthiness is inherent and independent of external validation or achievements.

As the music begins to weave its enchanting melodies, allow yourself to be enveloped by its soothing vibrations. Feel the energy of the music aligning with the energy of your affirmation, amplifying your sense of self-worth and inner strength.

With each passing note, let the power of "I am worthy" expand and radiate throughout your entire being. Visualise this positive energy flowing through your body, from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes. Embrace the warmth and empowerment that accompanies this realisation.

As the music gently fades away, hold onto this newfound strength within you. Know that it is an intrinsic part of who you are. Feel the energy of "I am worthy" resonating deep within your core, serving as a guiding light in your journey.

Carry this sense of worthiness and strength with you as you navigate through life. Let it be a constant reminder of your inherent value and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. Trust in yourself and your abilities, knowing that you are deserving of all the love, happiness, and success that life has to offer.

Take a deep breath, grounding yourself in the present moment. Open your eyes, carrying the energy of your worthiness and strength with you as you continue your day. Remember, you are worthy, and your belief in yourself is the catalyst for transformation and growth.

Composer and performer Melissa Keeling

Melissa 2

Let Yourself Dream

(6 minutes 5 seconds)

Take a moment to find a comfortable position, allowing your body to settle into a state of relaxation. Close your eyes and release any tension you may be holding.

Reflect on your childhood, a time when dreams and imagination knew no bounds. Remember the sense of limitless possibilities and the feeling that you could accomplish anything. Allow yourself to reconnect with that inner child, tapping into the wellspring of creativity and freedom within you.

As the music begins, let it serve as the gateway to your dreams. Surrender to the melodies and rhythms, allowing them to transport you to a realm of imagination and inspiration. Open your mind to creative thoughts, relaxing memories, or moments in your life when you achieved something meaningful. Embrace the vast expanse of your inner world, where the boundaries of reality dissolve and the realm of possibility expands.

If any thoughts arise that are unrelated to your dreams and creative aspirations, simply notice them and let them pass without engaging with them. Redirect your focus back to the canvas of your imagination, giving yourself permission to fully immerse yourself in this experience.

In these precious minutes, the time is yours alone. Explore the landscapes of your dreams, paint with the colours of your imagination, and dance with the rhythm of your desires. Allow your mind to wander freely, unhindered by limitations or judgments.

When you feel ready, slowly open your eyes, returning to the present moment with a gentle smile on your face. Embrace the essence of your dreams and creativity that you have tapped into during this meditation.

Carry this renewed sense of imagination, freedom, and possibility with you throughout your day. Allow it to infuse your actions, decisions, and interactions, inspiring you to approach challenges with a fresh perspective and reigniting your passion for life.

Remember, you have the power to awaken your dreams and cultivate creativity within yourself. Embrace the childlike wonder and curiosity that reside deep within your being. Let the music be a reminder that you are capable of dreaming and achieving great things.

Composer and performer José Valentino

These tracks are aimed at all musicians of any age who are experiencing moments of self doubt, nerves, anxiety or burn out. This completely free new project based in the website, and encourages each and every one of you to take just 10 minutes out from the hustle and bustle of modern day life. Choosing one of these tracks based on how you are feeling or what area you wish to focus on at this particular moment, close your eyes notice your breathing, allowing yourself to gently relax at the sounds enter your space... then when you are ready...just let the music take you where it takes you...any negative thought that enters your conscious mind, let it simply come and go. just spend the duration of the audio focusing on 'You' - This is 'Your Time'..."You Can and You Will" . At the end of the audio, come back to your breathing and hold on to all your positive feelings, then gently open your eyes. You can listen and meditate to any of these tracks whenever you wish. Just allow judgement and negativity come and go...this is your time!

Quiet Space

(9 minutes 32 seconds)

Find a comfortable position, whether seated or lying down, and take a moment to settle into it. Become aware of the pace of your busy life, the constant stream of thoughts that flood your mind, and the fluctuations of your emotions.

In this meditation, the intention is to create a sacred and gentle space, a sanctuary amidst the chaos. Close your eyes if it feels comfortable, or maintain a soft gaze if you prefer to keep them open. Take a deep breath and release any tension you may be holding in your body.

As the music begins to play, let it envelop you like a soothing embrace. Allow its melodies to guide you into a state of calm and presence. Notice the thoughts that arise in your mind, but resist the urge to judge or attach meaning to them. Instead, observe them as passing clouds in the vast sky of your consciousness.

Imagine yourself floating within this track of quiet space, surrendering to the present moment. Let go of the need to analyze or engage with your thoughts. Create a sense of inner stillness and acceptance, where you can simply exist without any demands or expectations.

Feel the expansiveness of this sacred space within you. It is a refuge from the external noise and the internal chatter. Here, you can experience a profound sense of being, detached from the constant fluctuations of the mind.

Whether your eyes are open or closed, allow yourself to simply be. Be present with your breath, with the sensations in your body, and with the subtle nuances of the music. Embrace the stillness and let it wash over you, replenishing your spirit and soothing your weary mind.

As you continue to float within this gentle hollow space, know that you are nourishing your inner being. You are creating a sanctuary for your mind to find solace and your heart to find peace. This is your time to reconnect with yourself, to tune out the noise of the world and tune in to the whispers of your own soul.

Stay in this tranquil state for as long as you feel comfortable, allowing yourself to fully immerse in the serenity of the moment. When you are ready to return to your external reality, do so with a sense of calm and renewed clarity.

Remember, this space is always available to you. It resides within you, patiently waiting for you to acknowledge its presence. Whenever you feel overwhelmed or in need of respite, come back to this meditation and reconnect with the stillness within.

Composer and performer Theo Travis


(6 minutes 45 seconds)

Prepare yourself for a meditation on determination. Find a comfortable position, allowing your body to relax and your mind to focus. Whether you choose to keep your eyes open or gently close them, the choice is yours.

As the track begins, pay attention to the rhythm, the beat that resonates within you. This beat represents your determination, your inner drive to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Allow yourself to sync with this rhythm, feeling it pulsating through your entire being.

With each passing moment, intensify the feelings of inner strength within you. Visualise these feelings growing stronger and more vibrant, like a flame that cannot be extinguished. Amplify them, allowing their power to radiate throughout your entire being.

Notice any challenges or doubts that may arise during this process. Acknowledge them, but do not let them sway you from your path. Instead, use them as fuel to further ignite your determination. Let them be reminders of your resilience and ability to overcome.

As the track progresses, let your determination become an unshakable force within you. Embrace the unwavering belief in your capabilities. Feel the confidence and unwavering resolve flowing through your veins.

When the sound of the flute begins to fade, hold on to these powerful feelings for a few more moments. Allow them to permeate every cell of your body. Hold them close, knowing that you carry this determination with you as you open your eyes and resume your day.

Carry this sense of inner strength and determination with you, knowing that you have the power to overcome any challenges that come your way. Trust in your abilities and continue moving forward with unwavering resolve.

Remember, the beat of determination will always be within you. Whenever you need a reminder of your inner strength, return to this meditation and reconnect with that unstoppable rhythm. Let it guide you on your journey towards achieving your dreams and becoming the best version of yourself.

Composer and performer José Valentino

Chilled Quiet Space - Theo Travis

These tracks are aimed at all musicians of any age who are experiencing moments of self doubt, nerves, anxiety or burn out. This completely free new project based in the website, and encourages each and every one of you to take just 10 minutes out from the hustle and bustle of modern day life. Choosing one of these tracks based on how you are feeling or what area you wish to focus on at this particular moment, close your eyes notice your breathing, allowing yourself to gently relax at the sounds enter your space... then when you are ready...just let the music take you where it takes you...any negative thought that enters your conscious mind, let it simply come and go. just spend the duration of the audio focusing on 'You' - This is 'Your Time'..."You Can and You Will" . At the end of the audio, come back to your breathing and hold on to all your positive feelings, then gently open your eyes. You can listen and meditate to any of these tracks whenever you wish. Just allow judgement and negativity come and go...this is your time!

I am valued

(4 minutes 54 seconds)

Take a moment to embark on a meditation focused on your inherent value. It's natural to sometimes forget our worth when our energy feels depleted. In this track, find a comfortable position and gently close your eyes. Begin by directing your attention to your breath, allowing it to flow in and out effortlessly. With each out-breath, feel a sense of relaxation washing over you.

Allow your mind to wander back to moments in your life when you achieved something that fills you with pride. As the soothing music envelops you, let these memories come to the forefront of your consciousness. Hold on to the essence of these events, allowing the images to become brighter, clearer, and stronger.

Notice the feelings that arise within you as you recall these achievements. Pay attention to the sounds associated with these positive moments, and allow them to become amplified in your mind. It may surprise you to discover that your memory evokes scents and even tastes related to these experiences. Embrace all the sensory details and let them enhance the richness of your recollection.

Through this meditation, remind yourself that you have the capacity to achieve and contribute in meaningful ways. You are a unique individual with inherent value. Embrace the knowledge that you are worthy of recognition and appreciation.

As the music gently fades into the distance, take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes. Carry with you the feelings of self-worth and value that have been reignited within you. Let this awareness guide your interactions and choices as you continue your journey.

Remember, your value is intrinsic and unwavering. Whenever you need a reminder of your worth, return to this meditation and reconnect with the moments of achievement and pride in your life. Embrace your uniqueness and let it shine brightly, knowing that you are deserving of respect, recognition, and love.

Composer and performer Melissa Keeling

Melissa 3

I’m Proud of Who I am

(5 minutes 24 seconds)

Take a moment to engage in a meditation that nurtures your self-worth and helps you find peace amidst the fast-paced world of music. It's common to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others, especially when we are immersed in instrumental study or preparing for performances. However, it is crucial for our well-being to remember that we are proud of who we are and what we do.

Find a comfortable position and decide whether you'd like to close your eyes or keep them open for this meditation. As the gentle ebb and flow of the music begins, allow your busy mind to present its thoughts to you. Instead of labelling or judging each thought, simply notice them as they arise, like passing clouds in the sky.

Amidst the thoughts that come and go, be attentive to moments of inner warmth and positivity. When you encounter a thought that makes you feel proud of yourself, take a closer look at it. Embrace that feeling of self-appreciation and let it radiate within you. Recognise that there is nobody else quite like you, with your unique talents, strengths, and experiences.

It's important to acknowledge that everyone has their own set of weaknesses and imperfections. However, it is precisely these differences that make each individual remarkable and extraordinary. Embrace your uniqueness and be proud of yourself for who you are and what you bring to the world of music.

Allow the music to continue its gentle flow, providing a soothing backdrop for your exploration of self-worth. Take a few moments to bask in the warmth and pride that arises from within. Know that you are deserving of love, respect, and appreciation, both from others and from yourself.

When you are ready, gently return your focus to the present moment. Carry with you the sense of pride and self-acceptance that you have cultivated during this meditation. Embrace your individuality, knowing that you have a valuable contribution to make in the realm of music and beyond.

Remember, comparisons can dim your light, but when you honour your uniqueness and recognise your worth, you can shine brightly and inspire others with your music and presence. Be proud of yourself, for you are an exceptional individual with your own special gifts to share.

 Composer and performer José Valentino

These tracks are aimed at all musicians of any age who are experiencing moments of self doubt, nerves, anxiety or burn out. This completely free new project based in the website, and encourages each and every one of you to take just 10 minutes out from the hustle and bustle of modern day life. Choosing one of these tracks based on how you are feeling or what area you wish to focus on at this particular moment, close your eyes notice your breathing, allowing yourself to gently relax at the sounds enter your space... then when you are ready...just let the music take you where it takes you...any negative thought that enters your conscious mind, let it simply come and go. just spend the duration of the audio focusing on 'You' - This is 'Your Time'..."You Can and You Will" . At the end of the audio, come back to your breathing and hold on to all your positive feelings, then gently open your eyes. You can listen and meditate to any of these tracks whenever you wish. Just allow judgement and negativity come and go...this is your time!

I am unique

(4 minutes 46 seconds)

Take a moment to engage in a meditation that emphasises the importance of your unique essence.

Find a comfortable position and gently close your eyes, allowing yourself to simply be. As thoughts arise in your mind, notice them without labelling or judging. Let them come and go like passing clouds in the sky. These next few minutes are dedicated to creating a space where you can remind yourself of your inherent uniqueness.

As you continue in this state of openness, invite positive ideas and creativity to enter your awareness. Allow them to develop and grow naturally, or let them gracefully disappear if they no longer serve you. Recognise that everything you write, everything you say, and everything you play on your instrument is a reflection of your distinctive self.

Embrace this feeling of uniqueness and let it spread throughout your entire being. Allow it to infuse every cell, every breath, and every sensation. Feel the sense of empowerment that comes from embracing your individuality and recognising the special qualities that make you who you are.

As the music gradually fades, signalling the end of this meditation, gently open your eyes. Return to the present moment with a renewed sense of well-being and appreciation for your own uniqueness. Carry this awareness with you as you continue your day, knowing that you have a valuable and irreplaceable contribution to make in all aspects of your life.

Remember, in a world that often encourages conformity, it is essential to celebrate and honour the qualities that set you apart. Embrace your uniqueness, for it is a gift that brings depth and richness to your music and to the world around you.

Composer and performer Melissa Keeling

melissa 4

I Am Good - Repeat!

(7 mins and 8 seconds)

Take a moment to engage in a meditation that reinforces your confidence and self-worth as a flutist.

Find a comfortable position and allow yourself to relax. Reflect on the fact that as instrumentalists, we often unintentionally compare ourselves to others, which can negatively impact our well-being. However, the next 7 minutes are dedicated to reminding yourself of your own musical abilities and unique musicianship. Believe in yourself.

As the gentle ebb and flow of the music surrounds you, you can choose to keep your eyes open or closed. Watch as thoughts enter your mind, observing them without judgment or attachment, as if they are passing from left to right along with the music. Take note of what you see and feel, but avoid labelling or assigning importance to each thought.

Instead, gently focus your attention on the words "I Am Good." Visualise these words developing before you, gradually growing in size and becoming vibrant with colour. You might be surprised to notice the words subtly moving in harmony with the music. Keep your focus anchored on the words "I Am Good."

Now, imagine the colour of the words transitioning from light red to deep red, and from light blue to deep blue. Allow the colours to deepen, intensifying the affirmation of your goodness as a flutist. As the music gently fades away, take those powerful words, "I Am Good," and imagine the feelings of strength and belief being enveloped within you.

Feel this sense of confidence and self-assurance spreading throughout your entire being, as if you are being embraced by a warm and supportive presence. Allow this empowering energy to reside within you, knowing that you possess the skills, talent, and uniqueness that make you a remarkable flutist.

When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. Carry the feelings of strength and belief with you as you continue your musical journey. Remember that you are worthy, capable, and deserving of recognition for your own musical expression. Embrace your innate goodness and let it shine through your playing, inspiring others and bringing joy to yourself.

Believe in yourself, for you are a talented and extraordinary flutist.

composer and performer Theo Travis


(3 mins 21 seconds)

As you immerse yourself in the timeless melodies of the bansuri, become aware of the profound impact your thoughts, anxieties, anger, stresses, and even excitement have on your sleep. As the enchanting music begins, envision a radiant candle before you, its flickering flame captivating your gaze. Observe how it gracefully dances from side to side, synchronised with the bansuri's gentle rhythms, guiding you on a brief inward journey.

Now, direct your focus to a specific thought or worry that arises within you. Instead of resisting or categorising it, simply observe it without judgment. Like a compassionate observer, witness its presence without engaging with it. Allow the mesmerising notes of the flute to gradually unravel the knots of worry that entangle your mind.

As the music gently fades away, embrace a few moments of silence. During this tranquil pause, remind yourself of the profound significance of restful sleep for your overall well-being. Let go of the struggle to sleep, relinquishing the space and time you once allocated to insomnia. Embrace a new mindset, knowing that your sleep is a vital component of your holistic health.

composer and performer Praveen ‘The Flute Guy’

Be Still

(8 minutes 34 seconds)
Welcome to this meditation practice, designed to cultivate stillness and create mental space. Whether your eyes are open or closed, allow yourself to fully engage in this experience. As the serene music begins, surrender to its gentle progression and let yourself become immersed in its intricate composition.

Follow the various melodies, the soothing bass lines, or any other sounds that may arise within the music. Without passing judgment or attaching labels, simply observe and embrace each sound as it enters your awareness. Release the need to analyse or evaluate anything that comes to mind during this process. Instead, let the sounds flow and evolve naturally, allowing them to guide your attention.

Through stillness, we unlock the doorway to our creativity. In the midst of our bustling lives, it can be challenging to find moments of calm. This can lead to frustration and a sense of depleted energy. However, these next few minutes are dedicated to providing you with a precious stillness. In this stillness, pay attention to the positive thoughts and creative ideas that emerge.

Embrace this opportunity to tap into your inner wellspring of inspiration. Allow the silence and tranquility to nurture your mind, enabling it to blossom with newfound clarity and imaginative potential. Embrace the beauty of this present moment, where possibilities unfold and positive energy flows freely.

Composer and performer José Valentino

Be still - Jose valentino


(4 minutes 3 seconds)

Welcome to this transformative meditation session. You have consciously chosen this track because you recognise the need to replenish your energy reserves. Let us begin by immersing ourselves in the audio without preconceived thoughts or expectations. With your eyes open, allow the music to guide you on an inward journey, embracing wherever it leads you.

The gentle beats and the forward movement of the track will infuse you with revitalising energy and a renewed sense of positivity. As you listen, be aware that negative thoughts may arise within your mind. Simply acknowledge their presence without giving them any attention. Let them pass through like fleeting clouds, knowing that they hold no power over you.

Furthermore, if an idea or creative thought springs forth during this meditation, harness the power of the music to fortify and amplify its energy within you. Let this harmonious soundtrack become a catalyst for inspiration and innovation. Allow the music to uplift and invigorate you, unlocking the dormant potential within your being.

Throughout this practice, remain open to the limitless possibilities that lie before you. Embrace the transformative power of this experience, as it rejuvenates your energy, fuels your positivity, and ignites your creative spark. Trust in the harmonious synergy between the music and your inner self, and let it propel you forward on your journey to vibrant vitality.

Composer and performer José Valentino

These tracks are aimed at all musicians of any age who are experiencing moments of self doubt, nerves, anxiety or burn out. This completely free new project based in the website, and encourages each and every one of you to take just 10 minutes out from the hustle and bustle of modern day life. Choosing one of these tracks based on how you are feeling or what area you wish to focus on at this particular moment, close your eyes notice your breathing, allowing yourself to gently relax at the sounds enter your space... then when you are ready...just let the music take you where it takes you...any negative thought that enters your conscious mind, let it simply come and go. just spend the duration of the audio focusing on 'You' - This is 'Your Time'..."You Can and You Will" . At the end of the audio, come back to your breathing and hold on to all your positive feelings, then gently open your eyes. You can listen and meditate to any of these tracks whenever you wish. Just allow judgement and negativity come and go...this is your time!

Let my soul breathe

(9 minutes 17 seconds)

Welcome to this meditation journey, specifically chosen to bring clarity to your racing mind. Find a comfortable position, gently close your eyes, and allow your mind to release its restlessness. The music you are about to experience carries a spiritual and earthy essence, aligned with the natural rhythm of your breath. Whenever thoughts arise, tempting to divert your focus from the present moment, simply observe them without judgment or labelling. Let them flow through your consciousness, like passing clouds, as you open your mind to the soothing ebb and flow of the sounds.

With each passing moment, feel yourself sinking deeper into a state of relaxation. If you find yourself momentarily distracted, there is no need for concern. Embrace the opportunity to gently guide your awareness back to the present, to the "now" where true clarity resides. Remember, it is only this very moment that holds significance.

As the music gradually fades away, shift your attention to your breath, observing its natural rhythm. Take note of how, in the past few minutes, you have managed to create space within your inner world. Embrace the tranquility that arises, knowing that this brief respite has allowed your mind to receive much-needed and valuable love.

Slowly open your eyes, and as you reconnect with the external world, embrace the sense of spaciousness within. Deep within, acknowledge that the last nine minutes have been a precious gift to your mind—a moment of respite and rejuvenation. Carry this awareness with you as you navigate the rest of your day, cherishing the clarity and inner peace that you have nurtured through this practice.

Composer and performer Theo Travis

The simple beauty of the rainforest

(4 minutes 39 seconds)

Welcome to this guided meditation experience inspired by the awe-inspiring rainforests that sustain life on our planet.

As you embark on this meditation journey, envision yourself in the heart of a lush rainforest within your mind's eye. Take a moment to visualise the towering trees, adorned with vibrant foliage and teeming with life. Imagine the intricate tapestry of flora, each leaf and flower contributing to the breathtaking beauty surrounding you. Feel a sense of connection to the pulsating vitality that permeates every corner of this verdant oasis.

Now, let the sounds of this audio guide you through a tranquil and captivating exploration of this imaginary rainforest. Allow each sound to transport you deeper into this rich ecosystem. Let the gentle melodies mimic the harmonious symphony of birdsong and rustling leaves, and the rhythmic patterns evoke the flowing waters of cascading streams and rain-soaked earth.

Immerse yourself fully in this sensory experience, absorbing the serenity and beauty that envelops you. Notice how the sounds intertwine, creating a symphony of tranquility that resonates within your being. Feel a deep sense of relaxation and peace as you navigate this inner rainforest, allowing its rejuvenating energy to wash over you.

With every breath you take, draw in the essence of this sacred place. As you exhale, release any tension or worries, allowing them to dissolve into the ambient soundscape of the rainforest. Let this journey inspire a profound connection with nature, reminding you of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of preserving our precious ecosystems.

Take as much time as you need to revel in this immersive rainforest experience. When you are ready to conclude, carry the tranquility and revitalisation you have discovered within you, allowing it to infuse every aspect of your life. Express gratitude for the intricate web of life that sustains us all, and commit to nurturing and protecting these invaluable natural treasures.

Gently bring your awareness back to the present moment, carrying the serenity of the rainforest with you as you open your eyes.

 Composer and performer José Valentino

These tracks are aimed at all musicians of any age who are experiencing moments of self doubt, nerves, anxiety or burn out. This completely free new project based in the website, and encourages each and every one of you to take just 10 minutes out from the hustle and bustle of modern day life. Choosing one of these tracks based on how you are feeling or what area you wish to focus on at this particular moment, close your eyes notice your breathing, allowing yourself to gently relax at the sounds enter your space... then when you are ready...just let the music take you where it takes you...any negative thought that enters your conscious mind, let it simply come and go. just spend the duration of the audio focusing on 'You' - This is 'Your Time'..."You Can and You Will" . At the end of the audio, come back to your breathing and hold on to all your positive feelings, then gently open your eyes. You can listen and meditate to any of these tracks whenever you wish. Just allow judgement and negativity come and go...this is your time!


(4 minutes 11 seconds)

Welcome to this transformative meditation experience that invites you to reconnect with the wonders of your surroundings.

In our fast-paced lives, we often overlook the simple marvels that surround us. Rarely do we pause to appreciate the vibrant colours that greet us during our walks or the gentle caress of a breeze on our cheeks. This track is designed to guide you back to a state of harmony with your environment.

With your eyes open, allow this audio to accompany you as you venture outdoors or find a serene spot to sit. As you engage with the world around you, let the music serve as a backdrop to heighten your awareness. Take a moment to observe the expansive sky, noticing its shifting hues and patterns. Open yourself to the multitude of colours that grace your surroundings, allowing them to captivate your attention.

As you listen, attune your senses to the soundscape that unfolds. Notice the subtle melodies within nature's symphony—the songs of birds, the rustling of leaves, or the distant flow of water. Embrace these auditory cues as reminders of the interconnectedness between yourself and the world.

Whether you choose to walk or sit, be mindful of the sensations that arise. Feel the solid ground beneath your feet with each step, grounding you in the present moment. If you are seated, bring awareness to the support of the chair against your back, enabling relaxation and comfort. Through these physical connections, cultivate a deeper sense of presence and appreciation for your immediate surroundings.

For the next few minutes, allow yourself to become enraptured once again with the extraordinary beauty of our delicate planet. Rekindle your enchantment with the intricate details and subtle miracles that abound. Cherish the interconnectedness of all life and the delicate balance that sustains us.

As this meditation draws to a close, carry this newfound awareness and appreciation within you. Take it with you as you navigate your daily life, noticing the magic that lies in every moment. Treasure the gift of being a part of this wondrous world.

When you are ready, gently bring your focus back to the present, open your eyes, and embrace the beauty that surrounds you in this very moment.

Composer and performer José Valentino

Enchantment in the woods


(5 minutes 18 seconds)

Welcome to this transformative meditation experience. As the music begins, take a moment to center yourself by taking a couple of deep breaths. Allow yourself to enter a realm of boundless emptiness, where infinite possibilities reside.

In this spaciousness, imagine your dreams and desires entering this realm as newly blown bubbles. Visualise each bubble representing a specific dream that holds excitement and significance for you. Observe these bubbles as they gracefully float within your space.

Find a bubble that captures your attention, a dream that truly ignites your passion. Focus your gaze upon it, watching it drift and dance in your expansive realm. As you fixate on this dream, notice how, with each inhalation, the bubble begins to grow larger. Feel the dream becoming more vivid, more tangible, as it takes on a life of its own within your mind.

As you continue to observe, intensify the colours and emotions associated with this dream. Magnify the details, allowing them to captivate your senses. Embrace the feelings of excitement, joy, and fulfillment that arise within you as this dream becomes more real with each passing moment.

As the music gently fades away, bring the bubble closer to you. Sense the anticipation building as it hovers near your being. And when the bubble finally pops, allow the dream it contained to wash over you. Feel its essence permeating your entire being—mind, body, and soul. Let it become an inseparable part of you, as you integrate this dream into your core.

Take a few moments to bask in the profound resonance of this experience. Know that you have connected deeply with your inner desires and have brought them closer to reality. Cherish the inspiration and motivation that this meditation has evoked within you.

When you are ready, gently return your awareness to the present moment. Carry the energy of your dream with you as you navigate your day, knowing that it has taken root within you. Embrace the journey of manifesting your dreams and aspirations, fueling them with your unwavering focus and determination.

Composer and performer José Valentino

The Last Song